In this show, we discuss the superhero movies released since last we podcasted in 2011 and some of the upcoming supes movies and TV shows. We will be touching on this topic in the coming months, too, because with four interconnected universes in the works (Warner/DC, Disney/Marvel, Sony with Spider-Man and spinoffs, and Fox with X-Men and Fantastic Four), there are a lot of properties active. We hope you enjoy the podcast, and check us out at the usual places: Facebook, Twitter, , or right here at . You can give us some feedback there or as a review on iTunes. See ya next week!
Trailers and Release Dates:
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (out April 4, 2014)
Amazing Spider-Man 2 (out May 2, 2014)
(One of many trailers out now. They've practically released the whole movie.)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (out May 23, 2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (out August 1, 2014)
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (out August 22, 2014)
(We said this is out in a month in the show, but that's a dirty lie.)
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